In an age in which we fly in jets made more and more from fiber reinforced polymers, why do we insist on repairing corroded metal with more metal which will corrode?
Water pipes and storage tanks can’t last forever and when they fail, neighborhoods and downstream communities can pay dearly. But, that’s hardly news. Pipes of all types and tanks of all ranks have been falling short of expectations ever since they were born to suffer the ravages of time, weather, neglect, and bad luck.
The Value of Water Coalition says that 2.1 trillion gallons of water are lost annually in the U.S. due to water main breaks and leaks.
So how can we help you solve these problems? Belzona 1111 (Super Metal) can be used to bond patches to pipes instead of welding, eliminating heat affected zones thereby stopping any further corrosion. We refer to this process as “cold plate bonding” and it is an easy process.
Belzona also has a certified procedure system which is capapble of dealing with both thin-wall and through-wall defects in piping. The SuperWrap system conforms to a number of standards.
“Breaking Bad” may be an award-winning TV drama but it’s hardly a winning strategy for water systems.
We are the Midwest’s experts in corrosion mitigation….tell us, how can we help you repair, protect and improve your infrastructure?
Stephanie Rumford 937-435-4650